Programming languages

Computer programming languages give instructions to digital computers that then carry out specified tasks or functions that you might use every day on the internet or in apps. Knowing about different programming languages gives computer programmers the skills to perform complicated programming tasks on a variety of systems. 

  • Procedural languages: Procedural languages are based on the data viewing range of a code statement. Examples include Ada, BASIC, C/C++ and JavaScript.
  • Machine languages: Machine languages are made up of binary code, which is a series 0s and 1s that symbolize text or instructions for a computer program. One example of a machine language is Fortran.
  • Assembly languages: Assembly languages work in a similar way to machine languages by using short mnemonic codes to give the computer instructions. Examples include Lotus 1-2-3 and Turbo Pascal.
  • Object-oriented languages: Object-oriented language identifies everything it encounters as objects that have internal and external data and then it performs based on moving these "objects" to where they need to be. Examples include Java, Visual Basic .NET, Ruby and Python.
  • World Wide Web display languages: World Wide Web display languages are used to design web pages and provide them with the desired functions, such as page retrieval through links. These languages are used to code the visual aspects of websites, games, software and apps. Examples include HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Back end coding languages:Back end coding languages code program servers so that web pages appear and function correctly. Examples include Python, Java and Ruby.

Some jobs that use programming languages include the following professionals:

  • Web developer: This role is responsible for designing the structure and database of a website.
  • Web designer: The visual and interactive features of websites are programmed by this professional.
  • Video game developer: This type of software developer specializes in the design and creation of video games using coding for graphics and interactivity.
  • Computer systems engineer: An individual in this occupation develops and tests software for personal computers.
  • Software quality assurance engineer: This quality assurance professional oversee the development process for software function and design.
  • App developer: This type of programmer designs and creates applications for computers or mobile devices.