Assignment 1
Programming is Fun
C Viva Sample Questions and Answers | C Projects List | C Program list for Practicals
C Viva Sample Questions and Answers | C Projects List | C Program list for Practicals
Unit I
Introduction to Programming:
- Computer system, Components of a Computer System, Computing Environments, Computer languages, Creating and running programs, Preprocessor, Compilation process, Role of linker,
- Idea of invocation and execution of a programme. Algorithms, Representation using flowcharts, pseudocode.
- Introduction to C language: History of C, Basic Structure of a C Program, Process of compiling and running a C program,
- C tokens, keywords, identifiers, constants, strings, special symbols, variables, data types, I/O statements. Inter conversion of variables.
- Operators and expressions: Operators, arithmetic, relational and logical, assignment operators, increment and decrement operators, bitwise and conditional operators, special operators, operator precedence and associativity, evaluation of expressions, type conversions in expressions.
Unit - II
- Control structures: Decision statements; if and switch statement; Loop control statements: while, for and do while loops, jump statements, break, continue, goto statements.
- Arrays: Concepts, One dimensional array, declaration and initialization of one dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, initialization and accessing, multi dimensional arrays.
- Functions: User defined and built-in Functions, storage classes, Parameter passing in functions, call by value, Passing arrays to functions: idea of call by reference, Recursion.
- Strings: Arrays of characters, variable length character strings, inputting character strings, character library functions, string handling functions.
Unit III
- Pointers: Pointer basics, pointer arithmetic, pointers to pointers, generic pointers, array of pointers, functions returning pointers, Dynamic memory allocation. Pointers to functions. Pointers and Strings.
- Structures and unions: Structure definition, initialization, accessing structures, nested structures, arrays of structures, structures and functions, self referential structures, unions, typedef, enumerations.
- File handling: command line arguments, File modes, basic file operations read, write and append.
- Scope and life of variables, multi-file programming.
Unit IV
- C99 extensions. ‘C’ Standard Libraries: stdio.h, stdlib.h, assert.h, math.h, time.h, ctype.h, setjmp.h, string.h, stdarg.h, unistd.h
- Basic Algorithms: Finding Factorial, Fibonacci series, Linear and Binary Searching
- Basic Sorting Algorithms- Bubble sort, Insertion sort and Selection sort. Find the square root of a number, array order reversal, reversal of a string
- Dangling Pointer in C
- Number Systems Conversions – Binary, HexaDecimal, Octal
- Components of PC Software: System Software & Application Software,
- Operating Systems: Overview, types and applications (free software open source)
- Storage Devices: Primary Memory & Secondary Memory
- Disk partitioning in brief : Demo videos (Hindi), (English)
- Structured and Unstructured Languages, Procedural and non-procedural
- Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter
- bottom up , top down, object oriented Software Design
- SDLC in brief
- Basics of Programming through Flowchart & Algorithm
- Recursion and back tracking concept in detail
- Dynamic Allocation
- Machine Learning
- Various types of Pointers: Dangling pointer, Double pointer
- Networking basics: Routers, Switches, Hubs, Gateways etc
- Client Server architecture: Basics
- Distributed Networks, Cloud computing
- Introduction to Database Management System
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Basics of Machine Learning